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Konmari Your Mind for a Better Night’s Sleep

Konmari Your Mind for a Better Night’s Sleep

Marie Kondo, with her enthusiasm for tidying, has taken the world by storm.  Everyone is asking, “Does this spark joy?” and ridding their lives of clutter, one garden gnome at a time.

But what if you could do the same with your mind?  And what if this made for a better night’s sleep?

Yes, a REAL pen and paper.  We are going old-school here to get a better night's sleep.
Yes, a REAL pen and paper. We are going old-school here.

At the end of the day, sit down with pen and paper.  Go over your experiences of the day, examining each one and asking, “Did that spark joy?”

If yes, then write it down!  Celebrate that positive moment in your day.

Of course, there will be experiences that did NOT spark joy. Those are the cluttered thoughts that fill your mind with negativity and keep you awake.  So we’re going to apply a little positive thinking and Konmari that clutter.

Take each negative experience and switch it up with a positive statement.  For example:

I screwed up at work today.

Could be positively stated as…

I am constantly improving my work and take extreme ownership of my mistakes.

Write down your positive statement, reading it out loud as you write.

Now, do the same for the experiences you are anticipating for tomorrow.  Do you have a meeting with a “Negative Nelly” who always brings you down?  Make it:

I am a positive person who doesn’t let others affect my mood.

Again, write it down!  Let that new thought spark joy.  And thank the old thought for bringing you to this positive place.

It takes a little practice but tidying up your mind before bed is a great way to help get a better night’s sleep.  Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!

Power Napping Hack – Say Goodbye to the Afternoon Slump

Power Napping Hack – Say Goodbye to the Afternoon Slump

It happens to the best of us…and for some of us, it happens almost every day.  The afternoon slump of energy that makes you want to just call it a day. Except you can’t because – work.

But I ask you…what is a person to do when 3:00 pm rolls around?  Of course, I reach for the coffee. And it helps….sorta. Well, at least I can make it through that meeting without embarrassing myself.

So when I first heard of this napping hack, I’ll admit I had serious doubts.  It has all the tell-tale signs of one of those crazy internet hacks that really don’t work.

But there comes a point in every working mother’s life where she’ll try even kooky ideas if it means she won’t feel like a zombie.  And that point hit me after being up with my teething baby all night.

I looked it up and there’s actual science behind the idea of it all.  Something about clearing out the “sleepy” hormone (adenosine) with the nap so that caffeine could take its place and be more effective.

Curious (and a little desperate) to try, I closed the door of my office and sat down a comfy chair with a cold coffee.  Setting the alarm for 20 minutes, I quickly drank the coffee, got comfortable and closed my eyes. I didn’t really fall asleep…more like dozing.  

When my alarm went off though, it felt like I had slept for hours.  That was the best afternoon I had in weeks. I was completely sold on the idea of coffee naps!

Now, I realize that I should get more sleep – AT NIGHT – when you’re supposed to.  And of course, that’s my ultimate goal. But I’m glad to have this power napping hack for when I really need it.

Try it out and see if it works for you.  I’d love to hear about your experience coffee napping.